Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kultural Night of Resistance

Soo.. It's been a while since I wrote something on the blog but I wanted to let y'all know about an event I'm helping make happen. It's the legendary Kultural Night of Resistance an event celebrating our Independence as Filipinos in solidarity.

So far we have Performances by:
Lucid Blur
Stephanie Camba
Lani Montreal
Filipino Kali-Eskrima Academy of Chicago Demo

It should be fun!

Alright some logistics
Date: June 12th
Where: Maya Essence
4357 North Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, IL 60618-1741
(773) 661-6947

For more info drop me a comment and I'll get back to you sometime relatively soon.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Venus Collective Presents: A Night to Rejuvenate the Collective Spirit.

Please join us December 19, 2009 to honor, celebrate, dance, and witness the artistic endeavors of our featured artists, most who have been with us for several years.

While not the same scale as our main Venus functions, we feel the need to have an event to show our gratitude to all of our allies that have participated, danced, created and supported us in our efforts.

2009 has proven to be a very transitional year for all of us and we do not want to leave the year behind without acknowledging all the wonderful people and artists that surround and influence us

Saturday December 19, 2009
8p.m-2 a.m.
629 W Cermak
4th floor
$3 donation

Entertainment includes:

DJ Angela Gitana (www.myspace.com/djgitanaangela)
DJ Leanne

Performances by:

Bagwis (www.myspace.com/bagwisband)
Amina Norma Hawkins (www.myspace.com/aminaspace)
Bijou (www.myspace.com/2bijoux)

Vivian Garcia
Caroline Yohanan
Stacey Erinberg & Kira Harris
KristaDeLaRash (www.krisdelarash.com)

Gingarte Capoeria (www.gingartecapoeira.org)

Vendors, Vocal performances & over 16 female visual artists!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Random Rants

First off, I’d like to invite everyone to join Bagwis and I at the Venus Fest on Saturday at the 620 W Cermak spot! Should be mad fun! Much love to the people throwing the jam! Power to the women!

Secondly, I’d like to just rant. The semester is finally over and the stress is gone for now. I hope people enjoy their break as much as I will! Although, working at a glitter prison can be a pain.. I guess its money to party it up!

I’m working on new music.. I’m doing a lot of writing.. Unfortunately, I’m not doing enough reading aside from the sports section in the tribune. But while Bagwis is in recording mode hopefully I’ll get some music out for you blog readers to get a sneak peak at. We’ll need your opinions for the recordings..

Thanks for reading. I guess that’s all I got to rant about today.
Im out!

Monday, November 30, 2009

...RIP Technics 1200...

For more info- http://digg.com/u1HAdW

Bagwis Back in the Studio!

Were working on your second album ya'll. Hopefully I'll have some samples out soon for ya'll to get a listen

Rev Love!

I'm out!

Thursday, October 8, 2009